We enjoy the August LCA release and possibly talk life hacks.
Last week was either/or. This week is the other or the or. We discuss life hacks, some may even relate to cigars.
John ends up on the road again, so everyone is remote! It brought up the topic of what are the must-haves when traveling and want to still enjoy the cigar hobby?
All kinds of stories are told in the lounge. Some are true. Some maybe not so true. Either way, these are some of the memorable ones.
Down a man again. This time the D-man is out. However, Gary and John are taking advantage and taking the night off also. (Well John is doing a bunch of audio podcast side things.) But enjoy the repeat of our original "One Man Down" episode.
Telling some of the coolest stories that have occurred while having or because of a cigar.
Throwback Thursday! 2020, COVID, No Lounge, Jason, and Devin. See how it all began with this throwback episode. The very first "Behind the Curtain" now known as "Smoking Underground. We have come a long way.
Any fictional character to sit down and chat with. Who would it be? You are buying? What will it be?
We are going to talk about what we enjoy smoking while preparing our meals. Maybe what we have during a meal. Maybe what we have after.- New board, new camera, new browser sp maybe this will work this week!
We debate as many cigar items as possible in 20 minutes. Comment if you have something for us to discuss.
From Good People Brewing with Ducks Umlimited 4
Broadcasting (hopefully) from a different location, we discuss relaxing with a cigar.
Taking our favorite non-cigar sitcom characters from the past years; we use our cigar talents ad deduce what they might have enjoyed.
We started this podcast just over a year ago. Join us as we replay the first episode of Smoking Underground from March 4, 2021. While we aren't live please comment or email us cigarsmokingunderground@gmail.com and let us know what you think.